Restoration Movement Colleges/Universities 

Listing Limitations

To limit the listing, we have chosen to list only Colleges and Universities with both traditional degree programs as well as training in Bible/Ministry. Additionally, we are listing only those with the same regional accreditation as state and other private universities for purposes of transfer credit or graduate work. Follow this link for a more comprehensive listing that includes Bible colleges as well as traditional universities.

Bible Colleges

Numerous Bible Colleges/Training Schools from both the Independent Christian Church and the Churches of Christ exists exclusively for ministerial and Christian service preparation. Most of the liberal arts colleges/universities listed above also have Bible/Ministry training at the undergraduate and graduate level. Follow this link for a more comprehensive listing that includes Bible colleges and traditional universities.

Disciples of Christ Colleges

Most of the many colleges and universities started by the Disciples of Christ now have only a loose affiliation with the parent denomination. These universities also tend to be very liberal in their theology and not the primary focus for Restoration Fellowship Network. You can see a listing of Disciples affiliated colleges here